Who Are School Social Workers and How Can They Assist Me?

Parents interviewing at private school for young sonSchool Social Workers Assist Parents and Families by:

  • Discussing and meeting with parent(s)/guardian(s) to understand issues that may be affecting their child’s education,
  • Collaborating together with caregivers to help reduce any family stress(ors) to enable their child to function more successfully in school & in the community,
  • Working with parent(s)/guardian(s) to assist them in finding ways to further support their children in school,
  • Assisting parents to be able to understand and access programs that are available to students with special needs,
  • Aiding parents in becoming aware  of as well as be able to access school and community resources.

social worker sitting in group sessionWhat do School Social Workers Do?   This brochure was developed by School Social Worker, Lisa Bundrick, LMSW, to help parents, educators and administrators understand the role of the school social worker.

School Social Work Services:   A quick, resource outlining School Social Work services.  (1 page)  Source:  Contributed to SSWAA & NYSSSWA by Dot Kontak


School Social Workers Provide Parents with Resources

Here are a few resources that can provide you with some information when you are concerned about your child.   Ask to see your school’s School Social Worker to assist you in exploring your specific concerns as well as discuss possible strategies and/or resources to support you and/or your child.

See Organization Links for list of state and national organizations providing additional information, services and resources.

The New York State School Social Workers Association (NYSSSWA) is the only professional association dedicated solely to the visibility and viability of School Social Workers in New York State.