SEL Resources


The Truth About SEL:  It Works      “Despite political attacks, support for social and emotional learning is strong. But schools and educators should never stop championing its importance.”  According to the article, there are 3 “Key Takeaways:

  • Some activists have tried to make social and emotional learning the latest target in the education “culture wars,” but polls consistently show that parents overwhelming support SEL.
  • Research shows that SEL has a positive impact on student emotional well-being and academic performance.
  • Educators should always be proactive in communicating the benefits of SEL and why it is a priority in their classrooms.

Aaliyah Samuels, President & CEO of CASEL also provides 6 steps “educators can take to share accurate information and real stories about social and emotional learning.”   Read More.    Source: Walker, Tim. 1/19/2023.   The Truth About SEL:  It Works.  NEA Today. 


General Resources:

  • CASEL  The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is a trusted source for knowledge about high-quality, evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL). CASEL supports educators and policy leaders and enhances the experiences and outcomes for all PreK-12 students.
  • EASEL Lab.    The Ecological Approaches to Social Emotional Learning (EASEL) Laboratory, led by Dr. Stephanie Jones of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, explores the effects of high-quality social-emotional interventions on the development and achievement of children, youth, teachers, parents, and communities. Harvard University
  • Equity and SEL    CASEL provides a framework on how implementing SEL also addresses Equity.  Source:  CASEL
  • Navigating SEL from the Inside Out:  Looking inside and across 25 leading SEL Programs:  A Practical Resource for Schools and OST Providers.  (Elementary School Focus)  This report reviews 25 leading SEL programs including evidence of effectiveness, content, and how they may align with specific missions or SEL goals/needs as well as  SEL and “Out of School Time”.      348 pages.  Source:  Jones, S., Brush, K. Bailey, R.   3/2017  Harvard Graduate School of Education funding from The Wallace Foundation
  • School Social Work Standards for Social Emotional Learning    Provides goals by Pre K-Early Elementary , Late Elementary-Middle School, and High School levels.  Aligned with CASEL.   Source:  School Social Work Association of America
  • Social-Emotional Learning: What Products and Programs Do Districts Want?       “The report offers key insights into how school districts are judging social-emotional products and programs in the market, and what they’re looking for as they deepen their commitment to supporting students’ well-being in innovative ways.” NOTE:  You must subscribe to access report.   Source:  Cavanagh, S. 10/16/2020 EdWeek Market Brief
  • Special Report:  What Do School Districts Want from SEL Products and Programs?    Source:   Cavanagh, J.  12/14/2022 Education Week
  • Three Ways to Avoid Hurdles for Social Emotional Learning   Ideas on how to address pushback against social-emotional learning.   Source:  Langreo. L. 9/26/2022. Education Week

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