How NYSSSWA is Working For YOU!
- Meeting with NY Specialized Instructional Support Personnel to create “The Collective Care Team”
- Received lobbyist support from NYSUT to support School Social Workers and other members of The Collective Care Team.
- Participated in first Advocacy Day with teams of 4 “Collective Care Team” members in May.
- Clarifying with the New York State Department of Education how School Social Workers can obtain their LCSW.
- Ongoing work with Mental Health Association in New York State (numerous resources available) as well as Mental Health Advocates of Western New York
- Identifying mental health needs and services as a critical component of a Safe Schools Plan in NYS
- Advocating for issues impacting our students. See New York State Legislative News
NYSSSWA participates in “Advocacy Day” with the Collective Care Team
On May 7, 2024 our Collective Care Team, consisting of School Social Workers, School Counselors, School Psychologists and School Nurses attended an Advocacy Day hosted by NYSUT to meet with Senators and Assembly staff to advocate for (4) bills currently in the legislature. Peg Barrett, Past President attended with Wendy Castiglia our President and Dr. Robin Deluca-Aconni, our legislative chair. We met as teams with various legislators regarding:
1. S4953: A bill advocating to mandate a school nurse in every school in New York State,
2. S1577,A902: A bill to require the Department of Education to report information as to the number of Counselors, School Social Workers and Psychologists in New York State.
3. S7558,A7743 which amends the Education Law to require the Department of Education to develop school health and mental health professionals to student ratios in public schools.
4. S1875,A7668 A bill to amend the social services law in relation to reimbursement for early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment. This bill would allow the Department of Health to access Medicaid reimbursement for school health services for all students enrolled in medicaid.
NYSSSWA attends Press Event on Lockdown Drill Reform
On May 14, NYSSSWA board member, Jody Rumfola attended a press event in Albany to support Lockdown Drill Reform. The bill (SENATE BILL #: S6537 ASSEMBLY BILL #: A6665) aims to reduce the number of mandated lock-down drills in public and private schools and ensure a trauma-informed approach to such drills. As stated in the sponsors’ memo, ‘This bill makes a number of improvements to the lockdown drill mandate by: reducing the minimum number of required drills from four to two; providing advance notice to parents and guardians of such drills; accounting for students who have post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, physical disabilities, or other medical conditions who may have a particularly negative experience with such drills and need extra support; and providing thorough and standardized training for teachers and school personnel on how to conduct the drills.’
The bill was sponsored by Senator Andrew Gounardes and Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon who both spoke about the importance of the bill. Also in attendance and in support were Sheffali Welch (NYC Co-Lead, Moms Demand Action), Matt Spiro (Senior Director for Government Affairs and NAMI-NY), Glenn Liebman (CEO, Mental Health Association in NYS), Renee Rider (Director of the School Mental Health Resource Center), Dr. Andrew Shanock (NY Association of School Psychologists), and Robert Murfeld (Public School Parent and Advocate).
(Jody Rumfola, NYSSSWA Rochester Representative is behind the lady in pink.)
New Lockdown Regulations
Since then, on July 15, 2024, Julian Shen-Berro from Chalkbeat – New York reported “New York education officials are mandating that schools develop procedures to notify parents at least a week in advance of lockdown drills. The change is part of new regulations set to take effect in 2024-25 requiring that the drills be conducted in “a trauma-informed, developmentally and age-appropriate manner,” according to the amended rules adopted by the state’s Board of Regents on Monday.”
Source: Shen-Berro, Julian. 7/15/2024. Chalkbeat-New York
Read Regulations Here 7/11/2024
What else has NYSSSWA done to advocate for SSWs?
See: NYSSSWA 2024 Year In Review
Governor Kathy Hochul Meets with NYSSSWA School Social Worker
As part of Governor Hochul’s outreach to schools, she visited Washington Irving School in Tarrytown N.Y where she met with School Social Worker, Jacqueline Sanchez-Young (NYSSSWA Westchester Regional Representative) and their school psychologist, Dr. Longobucco.
Click Here for Jacqueline’s Report
10/2022 & 11/3/2022
NYSSSWA Testifies: In October, 2022 NYSSSWA was asked by the New York General Assembly to participate on the School Safety and Security Task Force. Many thanks to so many of you who completed NYSSSWA’s School Safety Survey which provided valuable information. On November 3, Board member Dr. Robin DeLuca-Acconi, testified in Albany sharing your observations and advocating for School Social Workers and increased mental health services. To read her testimony:
February 17, 2022 Current Policy and Social Justice Issues Related to School Social Work in NYS: Members of the Legislative Committee continue to focus on collaborative efforts. NYSSSWA is excited about its collaboration with NASW-NY as well as the Clinical Society to increase student access to licensed/certified school social workers. Board members met with NASW-NY in January and February, 2022 prior to submitting a Joint Statement of Support on February 17, 2022 to the General Assembly in support of A5019 & S1969.
See Joint Statement of Support
New York School Safety Task Force Meeting Julie Beatrice represented NYSSSWA on July 30, 2021 at the New York State Education Department’s School Safety Task Force Meeting. See Report.
Solidarity Statement Black Lives Matter (NYSSSWA Signed on)
New York State Council of Educational Associates (NYSCEA) Meeting attended by NYSSSWA Board Member, Julie Beatrice. See her report.
World Suicide Prevention Day Julie Beatrice, NYSSSWA Board member representing New York City (NYC) school social workers and psychologist with UFT. Julie talked on the steps of city hall on how suicide is prevented when community organizations work together to prevent a young person from committing suicide. See Press Conference:…/advocates-observe-world-suicide-preven…/
New York School Safety Task Force Meeting According to Julie Beatrice, NYSSSWA Board Member, of significance was the fact that 50 or so members of the committee were “clamoring” for the presence and involvement of more mental health services– social workers, etc. Julie will be attending a series of meetings representing School Social Workers. See August’s Full Report.
New York School Superintendents Recognize the Need to Support Mental Health Services

NYSSSWA Press Conference with NY Assembly Assistant Speaker Félix W. Ortiz (D-Kings) regarding legislation for “at least one full-time licensed or certified school social worker to be employed in each elementary, intermediate, middle, junior high school and senior high school” in New York State.
NYSSSWA Membership Dollars At Work
The New York State School Social Workers’ Association (NYSSSWA) is the only professional association dedicated solely to the visibility and viability of School Social Workers in New York State. Members are essential to our ability to support you and our profession. If you are not a member, join us today so we can continue to provide advocacy and services on your behalf.
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