School Social Workers Assist Parents and Families by:
- Discussing and meeting with parent(s)/guardian(s) to understand issues that may be affecting their child’s education,
- Collaborating together with caregivers to help reduce any family stress(ors) to enable their child to function more successfully in school & in the community,
- Working with parent(s)/guardian(s) to assist them in finding ways to further support their children in school,
- Assisting parents to be able to understand and access programs that are available to students with special needs,
- Aiding parents in becoming aware of as well as be able to access school and community resources.
School Social Workers Provide Parents with Resources
Here are a few resources that can provide you with some information when you are concerned about your child. Ask to see your school’s School Social Worker to assist you in exploring your specific concerns as well as discuss possible strategies and/or resources to support you and/or your child.
What do School Social Workers Do? This brochure was developed by School Social Worker, Lisa Bundrick, LMSW, to help parents, educators and administrators understand the role of the school social worker.
School Social Work Services: A quick, resource outlining School Social Work services. (1 page) Source: Contributed to SSWAA & NYSSSWA by Dot Kontak
What Can I Do If My Child is Being Bullied?
When you, your child, or someone close to you is being bullied, there are many steps to take to help resolve the situation. Make sure you understand what bullying is and what it is not, bullying and the LGBTQ youth, the warning signs of bullying, and steps to take for preventing and responding to bullying, including prevention in schools and communities, and how to support children involved. Source:
What Are Schools Required to Do When Students with Disabilities Are Bullied–Parent Fact Sheet.
Helping Your Child Cope with Tragedy & Loss
Topics include:
- Helping Your Child Cope With Tragedy: Resources by Age and in Different Languages
- Responding to Shootings & Mass Violence
- Responding to Media Coverage
- Responding to Natural Disasters
Counseling Resources
When Should I Get Counseling for My Child?
We encourage you to reach out to your school’s School Social Worker for assistance.
Child Mind Institute: Tools for parents worried about a child’s mood, behavior, or success in school. Including Mental Health guides, Symptom Checker, Developmental Milestones, Guide to Getting Good Care, Topics A – Z and Glossary of useful terms.
Kids Mental Health Info: How do I know when to worry about my child’s mental health? Who do I turn to for help? How do I know if my child needs help right away? Find answers to these and other Frequently Asked Questions.
Treatment of Children with Mental Illness: Answers to frequently asked questions from parents about the treatment of mental disorders in children. The National Institute of Mental Health offers a 6 page fact sheet that addresses common questions about diagnosis and treatment options for children with mental illnesses. Disorders affecting children may include anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders, and schizophrenia.
Suicide Prevention
Parent Information: Protecting Your Child From Suicide (English) Heath, Melissa. 2012. Trauma & Crisis Project from Brigham Young University.
Parent Information: Protecting Your Child From Suicide (Spanish) Heath, Melissa. 2012. Trauma & Crisis Project from Brigham Young University.
Document also available in Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Hmong, Haitian Creole, Tagalog, Tongan, Croatian, and Japanese Translations provided to SSWAA by Melissa Allen Heath, PhD, Trauma & Crisis Project from Brigham Young University
General Resources for Parents
2o Tips to Keep Your Child Safe On-Line Source: Sokolovic, A. 8/31/2022. Parenting Pod
American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry Facts for Families Informational sheets on a variety of topics for families as well as for youth.
Families Together in New York State. A wealth of information for parents and families who have children and with emotional, behavioral, and social challenges.
National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health This national family-run organization links more than 120 chapters and state organizations focused on the issues of children and youth with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs and their families. Its emphasis on advocacy offers families a voice in the formation of national policy, services and supports for children with mental health needs and their families.
How to Identify Your Parenting Style and Adapt It to Fit Your Child’s Needs Source: Langham, Ree. 3/7/2022. Parenting Pod A website created by the Office on Women’s Health in the Department of Health and Human Services to encourage “healthy, positive behaviors in girls between the ages of 10 and 16.” A good starting point for a parent-daughter chat on difficult topics.
Internet Safety is for parents, teens, educators, advocates – everyone engaged in and interested in the impact of the social Web and mobile technology. Here you’ll find tips, safety advice, articles, news, analysis, video and other resources to promote safe and productive use of connected technology.
Parenting Pod Provides parenting resources. “Our goal is to shift the focus from your child’s “misconduct” to what that conduct may signal.” “Our mission is to help you and your child navigate the challenges you face, and to optimize your child’s psychological and emotional well-being.”
School Bus Bullying Prevention This article provides suggestions to students, parents, schools and bus drivers regarding bullying on the bus. Source: Trans [portation] Finder
YourChild: Development and Behavior Resources. A Web site designed for parents and it is also useful for educators and administrators. As it states on their website- “It is a clearinghouse for comprehensive information on children’s development and behavior. We aim to help parents navigate the overwhelming amount of information available on the Internet and provide parents a means to link up with support groups, agencies, organizations, and other tools and resources. YourChild is a resource parents can trust, because University of Michigan experts have evaluated the information and links provided.” They have a very broad range of informational sheets on a variety of topics regarding child behavior and development.
Resources & Activities for Parents & Families 
Includes numerous activity links and resources you can do with your child(ren) as well as general information to assist you.
Resources for Children with Special Needs
- Autism Resources Source: Autism Society
- Resources and Guidance for Parents, Students & Educators. Source: Learning Disabilities Association of America
- Resources for Parents, Families & Youth. A”collection of resources below includes videos, toolkits, activities to use at home and more to support parents and caregivers and their children.” Source: National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
- Down Syndrome Resources Source: National Down Syndrome Society
- Giving Kids with ADHD Support and Structure During the Coronavirus Crisis Source: Child Mind Institute
- Special Health Care Needs Source: Family Voices
- Your Child with a Disability – Source: SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
Substance Abuse & Other Addictions
10 Strategies to Prevent Your Young Person from Using Drugs (Easy to read slides and strategies.) Source: 4/21/2023. U.S. Department of Drug Enforcement
Drug Rehab USA Locate Rehabilitation and Treatment centers by category, state, location, insurance, treatment method, faith, gender, military, etc.
Fake Prescription Medication Laced With Deadly Quantities of Fentanyl Source: McKenna, A. 4/13/2023. Drug Rehab USA.
Find Addiction Treatment Centers Near You. If you or your loved one are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, the Division On Addictions provides a national, easily searchable database. There are various types of addiction treatment centers and facilities in the U.S., including alcohol detox and drug detox, so finding the one that suits both your needs and budget is not an easy task. At Division On Addictions, we list every single rehab facility in the U.S. in an easy to see and browse directory, sortable by state, city and even county. You are able to quickly and easily search for a nearby drug and alcohol rehab center that can be either free, offer a sliding scale form of payment, where they take your financial ability into account, and even luxury rehabs, that offer upscale services and amenities. Source: Division of Addictions
Find The Best Drug & Alcohol Rehab Center Near You. If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol, get the help you need today. You can search by city/state. Note: “ is not a medical provider or treatment facility.” Source: Addiction
One Pill Can Kill “The DEA Laboratory has found that, of the fentanyl-laced fake prescription pills analyzed in 2022, six out of ten now contain a potentially lethal dose of fentanyl.” How can you tell the difference? See pictures of fake and legitimate medications. Source: U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know About FAKE pills (laced with deadly Fentanyl) Get Informed! “The Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion are making fentanyl and pressing it into fake pills. Fake pills are made to look like OxyContin®, Xanax®, Adderall®, and other pharmaceuticals. These fake pills contain no legitimate medicine … Fentanyl is also made in a rainbow of colors so it looks like candy.” Source: U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
See Organization Links for list of state and national organizations providing additional information, services and resources.
The New York State School Social Workers Association (NYSSSWA) is the only professional association dedicated solely to the visibility and viability of School Social Workers in New York State.