Renew Your Membership

Thank you for your past membership and/or support. Each member provides a valuable piece to the success of the New York State School Social Workers’ Association (NYSSSWA).

Your membership allows us to offer advocacy for our profession at the local, state and national levels. Additional benefits include electronic news updates, technical assistance to members, an expanded website providing lots of resources, public policy development, etc.  See Member Benefits. 

Still wondering  “What Does NYSSSWA Do for Me? ”  See “NYSSSWA’s 2024 Year in Review”  for just some of last year’s activities.   Click Here

Membership Categories:

Select “Auto-Renew” option and NYSSSWA membership will be automatically renewed so you never have to worry about your membership and member benefits expiring.

Full Member – $85.00

Full Member–Auto Renew – $85.00

      Must be an LMSW/LCSW and employed in an educational setting, K-12 or university.

Associate Member – $75.00

Associate Member–Auto Renew – $75.00

      Required to have BSW or Bachelors/Masters Degree in related profession. You will
receive all of the same information but without voting rights.

Retired Member – $55.00

Retired Member–Auto Renew – $55.00

      Former school employee.

Student Member – $55.00

Student Member–Auto Renew – $55.00

      Student interning in a school.

If you are a CURRENT or FORMER member OR received past notifications from NYSSSWA, click below to renew or become a member.

Renew/Rejoin Here!


multi-ethnic young adults' hands

So what are you waiting for?

Each person contributes a valuable piece.  Please continue to help us stand up for our profession, stay connected and…

Renew/Rejoin Here!

As a NYSSSWA Member:  Join or Renew SSWAA at a Reduced Rate

As a NYSSSWA member you can also join the School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA) and receive professional liability insurance, 4 EBell Newsletters a month, professional development discounts and member only access to educational resources. See benefits.   As a NYSSSWA member, you will also receive a $25 discount  AND be advanced to “Premiere” Membership.

 The process for receiving the discount is as follows:

      • Member joins on the SSWAA website at the FULL member rate and pays in full.
      • Member emails telling Capella of their state membership
      • Capella will verify state membership with the state contact on record
      • The member will be upgraded to a PREMIERE member for no additional cost

Why join SSWAA?   Well SSWAA has 20 reasons!   But, the most important  reason is to be a part of something bigger than yourself and do your part in moving our profession forward. Help School Social Workers be seen as Visible, Vital, & Valuable in schools with a strong voice! Join SSWAA and stand with us and be seen as vital professionals!

Join SSWAA Here

Everyone’s Membership Matters!