Celebrate School Social Work Week!
The New York State School Social Workers’ Association–NYC Region is working hard to partner with UFT, NAMI-NY, PAR, Memorial Sloan Kettering, and the UFT Welfare Fund in supporting School Social Work in the New York City Public Schools. NYSSSWA’s NYC Region is proud of our collaboration with all of our partners.
We hope you will support our profession and Join as a new member or Renew your NYSSSWA membership.

The 5th Annual Social Worker Appreciation Professional Development Day
March 3, 2020
No one could have asked for a more exciting day or a better response from our New York City school social workers at the United Federation of Teachers, 5th Annual Social Worker Appreciation Professional Development Day. Under the careful direction of Dr. Raul Garcia, and Julie Beatrice, LCSW-R, your New York City, NYSSSWA Regional Representative, 650 school social workers enjoyed a professional development day. The day was filled with intellectual, informative speakers and workshops and school social workers enjoyed breaking bread and socializing with other New York City Department of Education social worker. All this to recognize school social workers and the work that they do in the New York City Public Schools during School Social Worker Week in the State of New York, March 1 – 7 2020. The appreciation and respect was felt by all, as peers and presenters discussed social work in schools and the contributions to students, teachers, parents, communities and our profession. Registration was full. LeRoy Barr greeted social workers with praise and thanks for their hard work in supporting social and emotional learning.

Social workers could chose from three morning workshops. The director of the Columbia Weill Cornell Center for Eating Disorders, Evelyn Attia, M.D. gave an informative clinical presentation on Eating Disorders: The Role of the School Social Worker. Jim Witmer, LCSW, Health Project Coordinator with the Western New York Comprehensive Care Center discussed the “free” School Based Project ECHO Eating Disorders Program available to all New York State school social workers. At the same time other school social workers listened to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) as Jessica Feldman, Community Education and Outreach Manager and Parent Advocate, Nina Rondon and Almarie Tulloch took turns in presenting their workshop on Youth Mental Health Matters: Increasing Mental Health Literacy in Our School Based Communities. The third workshop, The School Social Worker’s Toolkit for Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools, Teri Sisson, Ed.S. a practicing school psychologist and an Educational Assessment Advisor at PAR, provided school social workers with a knowledge and a toolkit on assessing and addressing trauma in students at school. Participants at these workshops discussed cases relevant to each topic.

The afternoon session was attended by all. Memorial Sloan Kettering, Linda Mathew, LCSW, Meredith Cammarata. LCSW-R and David Sarfati, LCSW, were presenters. They were able to add a strong knowledge basis to current treatment and their presentation, How to Talk to Children about Cancer , a heavy but necessary discussion, helped school social workers consider new ways in counseling students and families dealing with cancer.
The UFT Chapter of Social Workers and Psychologists raffled off a trip to the National School Social Workers Conference in Baltimore this summer . NAMI- NYC , Olanike Oyeyemi, Fatima Mabkouk and Angelique Rodriquez spoke at lunchtime to NASW’s new direction and the new NASW-NYC cares volunteer team and what NASW -New York State and NASW – New York City bring to partnering with school social workers.
Our own New York City Region of NYSSSWA had its raffle moments as New York City continues to build a cohesive region. A membership and renewal vendor table Evelyn Bautista- Miller, LCSW and retired school social worker Karen Shockness, LCSW-R greeted social workers with twizzlers, chocolate candies, information and recognition while giving jars of Hersey’s Chocolates to new members and Starbucks Gift Cards to renewing members under the “Membership is Sweet Campaign”.

A special thanks to the UFT and President Michael Mulgrew, LeRoy Barr, UFT Secretary, Mary Jo Ginese UFT Vice President for Special Education and Don Albright, Chapter Liaison/UFT Special Representative to the Chapter of School Social Workers and Psychologists as well as Dr. Raul Garcia, Functional Chapter Leader for the Social Workers and Psychologist for making school social worker week and the 5th Annual School Social Worker Appreciation Professional Development Day a success.
CEUs: In order to receive CEUs, you must register and pay, sign in and sign out as well as complete the Workshop Evaluations below. Certificates are released individually so will not be available prior to verification of all components is complete. Since this is a multi-step manual procedure, please allow time for processing. For more details:
CEU Process
Tutorials: Need help with event registration, payments, accessing invoices, CEU Certificates, etc.? Click below for:
Approved CEU Provider: New York State School Social Workers’ Association is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board of Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0057
Purchase Orders: If you submit a purchase order, be sure to provide a copy of your invoice to your district’s accounts payable department for payment. See “How To Print Your Invoice and Pay for Event”. Please instruct your district to include your invoice on any communications as well as the check for payment.
Approved P.O.s should be faxed to (315) 624-1266, Attn: Tricia Zupan or emailed to: purchase.order.request@
Send checks to: NYSSSWA, 264 Rider Road, Clayville, NY 13322
Past Events:
Date: March 6, 2018
“Partnerships in Social Work Education”
The New York City Department of Education’s Office of Counseling Support Programs, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service and the New York State School Social Workers’ Association (NYSSSWA) sponsored the Third Annual NYC Department of Education’s School Social Worker Conference: “Partnerships in Social Work Education” at Fordham University.
CEUs: CEUs were provided by Fordham University. Please contact Keila Zapata-Kelly at kzapatakelly@fordham.edu
Click here for more information.
Date: January 20, 2017
UFT’s 11th Annual Clinician’s Professional Development Day
CEUs: In order to receive your CEUs be sure to complete your evaluation at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NYUFT2017