National Day of Action: Title IV Funding

August 31, 2017 all-day

SSWAA is joining with other members of the ESSA-Title IV Coalition – 60+ national organizations – for a National Day of Action. We are advocating for full funding of the Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grant program (Title IV, Every Student Succeeds Act, ESSA). This block grant will allow schools and districts to support well-rounded education programs, safe and healthy schools –including school mental health services, and effective use of technology.

In its first year of funding (2017- 2018 school year), Congress only allocated 25% of the authorized amount for Title IV, severely limiting the ability of districts and states to support the full array of programs.We need to let Congress know that an investment in Title IV-A is an investment in our nation’s schools and students, preparing them for higher education, training, and employment!

What YOU Can Do to Help:  On Thursday, August 31, we’re asking that you join with fellow educators and advocates across the country to do ONE OR ALL – send a letter, tweet or call. Please see the  Action Alert for details including suggested script when calling your Congresspersons.  See more information here. 

Thank you so much for taking action!