School Social Work Association of America (SSWAA)
SSWAA Resolution Statements
- Response to Recent Anti–LGBTQIA+ Legislation and Guidance for Supporting Students 3/20/2022
- SW Role in Violence Prevention 2/10/2022
- Do SSWs Provide Clinical Mental Health Services? 11/9/2021
- Statement on Legislative Efforts to Restrict Teaching about Racism and the
History of People of Color in the U.S. 8/19/2021 - Definition of Highly Qualified School Social Worker 8/2021
- Guidance for Supporting Student Attendance 8/2021
- Supplemental Ethical Standards for School Social Workers 2021
- SSWAA’s position paper on Role of Law Enforcement in Schools from a Racial Justice Lens 8/2020
- Solidarity Statement Black Lives Matter 6/1/2020 (NYSSSWA signed on to SSWAA Position Statement)
- SSWAA Response to COVID-19 Health Crisis and the Role of School Social Workers 2020.
- SSWAA Responds to Mass Shootings 2019
- Violence Prevention Webinars–FREE (No CEUs)