Due to technical difficulties please email us directly at member.services@nyssswa.org with any inquiries, with the following exceptions:
If your question is about POSTING A LINK on our website:
It is NYSSSWA’s policy not to post any links to guides, materials or websites that serve as a marketing tool. Thank you for your understanding.
If your question is about School Social Work CERTIFICATION:
General information on Certification and Licensure can be found on our website at: https://nyssswa.org/certification-licensure/ The certification process is controlled by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) so specific questions should be directed to NYSED at https://secureforms.nysed.gov/ohe/tcert/ContactOTI.cfm Licensure questions should go to the Office of the Professions, Division of Professional Licensing Services: opunit5@nysed.gov